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  • Delivery time: 2017-03-21 Click on the number of times:2433 
  • Self healing (self healing) polymer materials have become a hot research field of Polymer Science in the past ten years, and have made great progress. The intrinsic self-healing polymer material is using polymer fracture surface physical and chemical interactions, without external catalyst and repair agent, repair micro cracks inside the material, at the same time give materials repeatedly self repair ability, so in recent years gained widespread attention at home and abroad and has made considerable progress. Our group reviewed the important progress of intrinsic self repairing polymer materials. Aiming at the intrinsic self-healing polymer materials, most of the reports are low modulus, low glass transition temperature elastomer, which is in high modulus and high glass transition temperature of polymer materials can realize self repair, explore materials to achieve self repair under the conditions of higher modulus and glass transition temperature of the biomimetic method. Especially, the method of mussel biomimetic is used to realize self repairing function of polymer blends and polymer nanocomposites by complex hydrogen bonding.

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