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Shanghai Kunrong International Trade Co.,Ltd.Trade integration of the global production

  • The factory & laboratory
  • Shanghai Kun rong international has a professional research and development manufacturing base, modern flexible production line equipment, can undertake without water under harsh conditions, such as oxygen, temperature, high pressure of scientific research and production projects, from grams to t continuous manufacturing complex compounds.
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  • Join us
  • Whether you are fresh graduates or experienced professionals, skilled, if you have thought Kun puts glorious greatly honor international is your stage. Kun rong international committed to guide and lead each staff on the road to success.
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  • The quality of innovation
  • Kun rong international high quality management team, the product by NMR and LC - MS and HPLC, GC - MS, FT - IR quality testing and other advanced equipment, has achieved ISO 9000 total quality management, to ensure that provide customers with first-class product quality.
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who we are

  • What is the pharmaceutical intermediates? Theso-calledpharmaceuticalintermediates,is,infact,somefordrugsynthesisprocessofsomechemicalrawmaterialsandchemicalproducts.Thiskindofchemicalproducts,don'tneedapharmaceuticalproductionlicense,inordinarychemicalfactorycanproduce,aslongasatsomelevel,canbeusedforthesynthesisofthedrug.AnoverviewoftheEachyearinourcountrywithmorethan2000kindsofformacompletesetofchemicalrawmaterialsandintermediates,deman leam more

  • What's the latent curing agent for? Latentcuringagent,theso-calledreferstojointheepoxyresinanditscompositionofone-componentsystemhavecertainstoragestabilityatroomtemperature,andintheheat,light,humidity,pressureandotherconditionscanquicklyonthecuringreactionofcuringagent.Althoughtherearemanykindsoflatentcuringagentforepoxyresin,buteachtypeofcuringagenthascertainadvantagesanddisadvantages,sofar,stillhavenotfoundaparticularlyfineperfor leam more

  • Congratulations to Shanghai bin glory international trade co., LTD. Website launched! CongratulationstoShanghaibingloryinternationaltradeco.,LTD.Websitelaunched! leam more

Contact us

    International trade services:
    +86 21-59962926 +86 21-59953588
    Product after-sales service center:
    +86 150-0098-4222 +86 156-0169-0159